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houses from the grass with solar panels on the roof

Clean & efficient energy with solar PV installation

At Renew SW Ltd we help you power your home and save on your electricity bills. We work across Devon and North Cornwall and have over 25 years experience.

Solar PV: Welcome

Harness the natural light

Renewable energy that doesn't cost the earth!

With energy prices sky rocketing, the demand increasing and current energy sources depleting, sustainable energy sources are a hot topic both on a commercial and residential scale.

Our photovoltaic solar panels (solar PV) offer a sustainable option to support your energy needs.

Solar Panel cutout on white background
Solaredge Logo
Solar Panels

What's the benefit?

A green energy source that is full of advantages!

The unique benefit of choosing solar PV is that they just require natural light, meaning your system can be generating electricity for your home or business even on a cloudy winter day. Other principal benefits include that it is a viable source of green energy, helps reduce carbon dioxide emissions and offers a more self-sufficient energy source for you. With the self-sufficiency comes the benefit of reduced electricity bills, meaning you can save money and help mitigate climate change at the same time. Furthermore, it provides a great option on new-build projects, helping to improve SAP calculations and home energy ratings.


All these amazing benefits looks like a win-win for you!

Flexible and hassle free installations

Innovated and optimised PV systems for premium energy output.

Our solar PV system has the flexibility to be installed as ground mounted, on roof or in roof systems in a variety of configurations and orientations to suit your property layout and location. 

Technological advancements in recent years have paved the way for highly-effective and efficient systems. Our solar PV panels embrace these advancements to offer maximum energy generation capacity and efficiency, all at a cost which is far lower than you might predict. Furthermore, modern PV systems are inherently designed for ease of installation, meaning we can install a typical 4Kw system to your roof in just a few days.

Model house with sun reflecting off the solar panels for electricity generation covering t
Sunflowers in front of house with solar panels

Let's go greener together!

Renewable and sustainable energy is achievable with Renew SW Ltd.

Our expert sales team can guide you through the whole process, from planning & design of your solar PV system through to installation and monitoring to make sure you are getting the very best from your newly installed system. Our MCS & NICEIC accreditation proves your installation and support is in safe hands with the Renew SW team. We are living up to our name by supporting you every step of the way on your solar PV installation journey.

Why not check out what else we can do for you from stunning aluminium windows and doors to conservatories and much more. 

Solar battery on sunset sky background

Bespoke solar panel installation

Call the highly experience team at Renew SW Ltd in Holsworthy, Devon to discuss how we can help save you money on your electricity bills.

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